Accountable, transparent, objective, efficient, influencial, quick, solution oriented, high quality, innovative and practical legal solutions are offered to local and foreign individuals and to the corporations by our law office that has a broad vision and corporate features. Besides, litigation and execution proceedings are commenced, executed and concluded in the case of disputes. In addition, preventive law services and consultancy services are offered basically in Turkish and English as well as in German, French and Russian without being limited to time and space.
Çetin Law Office, which has been founded by Attorney Alper ÇETİN in Izmir, carries its activities with its contact offices and partners of solution especially in Istanbul, Ankara, Denizli, Antalya and other significant trade centers of Turkey.
Within the framework of advocacy and consultancy services including litigation and execution proceedings which are provided by Çetin Law Office to its venerable clients, Legal Consultancy Services could be summarized in four groups;

I. Attorneyship Services
Attorneyship services cover either the representation of individuals or corporations in lawsuits and the execution proceedings for the recovery of debts. According to this;
Attorneyship services cover the representation of any sort of lawsuits which will be filed by you/your corporation or has been filed against you/your corporation or the taking part in a lawsuit filed to maintain you/your corporation’s prestige,
It also covers providing legal supports to you/your corporation in litigious issues, undertaking correspondences, prosecutions, filing a lawsuit or defensing an action filed against you and representation of you/your corporation at the Courts of Turkish Republic, Debt Enforcement Offices, Court of Cassation, Counsil of State, Administrative Courts and Tax Courts.

II. Industrial Consultancy Services
This service aims to review, rearrange and planning of all documents used in Human Resources and Personal Departments of your corporation one by one. As the Labour Law and Social Security Law being in the first place, this service also aims to conduct all sort of inspections towards the all Labour Laws, Regulations and other related legislations and it also aims to ensure the effectiveness of those departments in professional working life by revising the operations in them.
This detailed effort aims to create and put into practice all legal social criteria demanded due to the course of law in routine control of corporations by either Regional Directorate of Labor (Bölge Çalışma Müdürlüğü) or Social Security Institution’s Regional Directorate (SGK Bölge Müdürlüğü). This service is, at the same time, a package working and a turn-key formation or revision program of Human Resources Department. Starting from the fact that the problems occur in those departments, which become crucial gradually in the professional life of corporation, have direct effects on the corporation mechanism, this service offers serious and specific contributions to the corporation.
This practice also includes the daily and momentarily consultancy services in all areas of labor law in order to ensure the occupational and working peace by acting as a specific organ within the corporation. In this sense, it also covers to support in application of labor law principles in workplace by contributing the legal defense of corporation in each stage from recruitment to cancellation of labour contract.
III. Execution Proceeding Services
This service refers to collection of all sort of claims and debts of you/your corporation through execution proceeding and realization of all sort of lawsuits, sequestration and other procedures which shall break through the execution proceeding and this also refers to the pursuance of other legal transaction such as banktrupcy, postponement of banktrupcy, concordatum which arise from the enforcement law.
In this sense, this service means the legal proceedings of debts of you/your corporation which arise from various legal reasons such as checking account, bill, check and draught in compliance with Debt Enforcement and Backtrupcy Law, for this cause, it also means the ensuring of collection to be put in company’s account immediately by means of implementing extremely detailed legal transactions.
In case of impossibility of collection of revenues which happens occasionally, it covers the prosecution of penal proceedings which shall be filed and entrusting the proof of insolvency in case of necessity and thus endeavoring a year-end tax advantage for you/your corporation. For this purpose, a high level service is offered in our Law Office specifically by the attorneys specialized in this field and by the execution proceeding officers.
IV. Legal Consultancy Services
To execute the area of activities and all other works of you/your corporation on a sound basis, these services offer necessary legal supervisions and investigations, examination of all the documents and process, revisal of imperfect and erroneous ones, preparation and implementation of the documents by ourself.
These works aim to establish a reliable legal infrastructure on behalf of your company as well as to minimize the number of legal contradictions and to protect the corporate’s interests at best in the case of dispute. Ultimate aim in this study is to undertake a sort of preventive medicine mission which would be formed upon the corporation as an umbrella and to provide a “protective attorneyship and preventive law” service so to contribute the healthy development of your corporation just before a would-be dispute outbreaks.
To make the execution of area of activities and all other works of your corporation on a sound legal basis with our consultancy services, your corporation shall be examined closer, necessary legal supervisions and investigations shall be conducted, all the documents and operational process of your corporation shall be examined, imperfect or erreneous documents shall be revized, unavailable ones shall be prepared and the whole implementation shall be controlled throughly.
To emphasize the process shortly; as Çetin Law Office, fulfilling all sort of requirements of your corporation in maximum level and endeavouring to satisfy all the expectations hoped from a legal consultancy in this sense, and making a contribution to development of your corporation both economically and commercially constitute our basic philosophy.
With all these studies, it is aimed to form a reliable legal infrastructure which is connected with a strong corporation culture, to minimize the numbers of legal disputes and to protect the corporation’s interests in maximum level in a state of dispute.
For these reaons, Çetin Law Office, as the one which is open to new thoughts and ideas, follows the changes and uses the technology till the last all the time, adopts delivering the quickest and truest information to her clients in an accountable, objective, the most reliable, practical and most importantly providing transparency against her clients in the efficient way as well as protecting the secrets of your corporation against third parties as a primary principle.
Our major purpose is to gather round the protection of your corporation’s prestige and to contribute in the utmost level to the present and future of you/your corporation by forming a legal protection umbrella.
To have more information about the details of these works expanded over pages and our office or to have more information about our reference list made up of national and international person/corporations, institutions, natural persons and legal entities which we cannot bring out here as required by laws, please get in touch with us.
Via e-mail,
Via telephone, +90 232 999 76 36
We would be glad to satisfy all your questions by interviewing one on one in your workplace.